Peter Heath - Counsellor


Peter Heath


Address: Milford on Sea, SO410AZ
Phone: 07583 864506


• Attentive and active listening
• A non-judgemental approach
• Respect for confidentiality and professional boundaries
• Resilience, patience and humility
• A genuine interest in others
• Authenticity, congruence
• A good team player
• A keen interest in PD
• A willingness to learn

Trauma Bonding
Couples Counselling
Parental Alienation

Registered member MBACP

Running DBS


















In November 2016, my wife, my daughter and I were shipwrecked in the Caribbean. It was time to stop sailing, come home and do something else. I decided on the helping professions. There was a need. Counselling would be a more useful occupation. Whilst waiting for the next intake, I studied Adult Social Care and Dementia Care.

January 2016 through May 2024:

• 2023 Private Practice, Southampton
• 2023 Counsellor/Psychotherpist: Life Changes Counselling, Southampton
• 2022 Placement: Life Changes Counselling, Southampton
• 2022 Honours student, City College, Soton/Middlesex University, London
• 2022 Diploma with Distinction in Client-centred Counselling from Middlesex University
• 2019 Certificate to Practice from Middlesex University, London
• 173 Placement hours to date at Life Changes Counselling and Butterflies in Southampton
• Client-centred Counselling and Psychology Student at City College, Southampton
• Counselling Student at Brockenhurst College, Hampshire
• Health Care Assistant at Hillyfield Rest Home, and Serendip Home Care, Milford on Sea
• Health Care Assistant at Lynden House, Lymington
• Blue water Skipper, South and North Atlantic Ocean
• Writer, Director/Cinematographer New York and Los Angeles

At Brock, I studied Gerard Eagan (The Skilled Helper), Humanistic Counselling (Maslow, Rogers), The Therapeutic Relationship (Petrûska Clarkson), Counselling for Grief and Loss (Kübler-Ross), Couselling for Children and Young Adults (Winnecott), the Psychodynamic Approach (Freud), Object Relations (Klein), Attachment Theory (Bowlby), R.E.B.T (Ellis), Transactional Analysis (Berne).

At City College we study Rogers’ Client-centred Approach, Bowlby's Attachment Theory, and Dr Alan Schore's Modern Attachment Theory.

As the creative director of an international advertising agency, I counselled many new writers and art directors. As a film director and cinematographer in New York City I counselled actors, crews and 'wannabe', directors, launching many to great heights. As the skipper of a small boat I counselled many crews crossing oceans for the first time in their lives. When I took early retirement many friends suggested I teach or counsel people. I listened. Studying to be a professional counseller has been a positive, life-changing experience. My objective was to qualify as a clinical psychotherapist. I'm that now.

The Therapeutic Relationship

My first experience of the therapeutic relationship was in dementia care. Before studying counselling, I studied dementia care at Brock (Tom Kitwood). I also worked freelance, with care homes. The use of unconditional positive regard and my listening skills enabled me to establish good relationships with clients, many of whom were living with dementia.

I was able to be Client-centred in my approach and I experienced advanced empathy and in several instances, communication at relational depth.

When I started placement I was familiar with making psychological contact with clients and my clients benefitted from my experience working with those in the care environment.

I believe there is room for the concept of complementarity to exist between the Client-centred approach and the medical model.


Registered Member BACP
HE Diploma in Person Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy
Certficate to Practice
AIM Level 3 Certificate in Counselling
AIM Level 2 Award in Counselling:
 • Skills Acquisition and Practice
 • Working with Children and Young People
 • Working with Grief and Loss
NCFE Level 2, Principles of Dementia Care
Preparing to work in Adult Social Care