Peter Heath MBACP
Southampton Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Individual:  £60 for a 50 minute session.
Couples:  £75 for a 60 minute session.
I’m registered with the Infromation Commissioners Office and abide by their guidelines. All records are encrypted and password protected. No data is processed or shared unless:
  1. required by you or if there is a risk of substantial harm to yourself or to any other person.
  2. by legal requirement, e.g. terrorism, drug money laundering; or via court order for disclosure.
    Your rights under data protection law:
    • a) to access a copy and an explanation of your personal data at no charge.
    • b) to request correction or erasure, in certain circumstances at no charge.
  3. to request limiting or ceasing data processing, where applicable at no charge.
  4. to compensation for substantial damage or distress caused by data processing, where applicable.
"O, reason not the need!".
William Shakespeare, King Lear: Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson